• info@mayorsschools.com
  • Tel: +234 803 302 1498, +234 808 384 2848
  • 10, Ogun Street, Off Oluwaleyimu Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos. Nigeria.
  • General Rules and Regulations


    The school uniform is Beige & Brown with a matching tie and boater. This will be supplied with a cardigan. Blazer and sports outfit on payment of the specified amount.
    N.B Small pairs of earrings are allowed for girls. Wristwatches are compulsory for all students. All hair-cuts and plaits (no attachments) to be low and tidy. Shoes must be black (leather) and flat with black socks.
    Students are expected to be neat and clear in appearance at all times (hairs, nail, skin etc). Boys hair must be neatly and evenly cut while girls hair should be neatly plaited or cut at all times,. Weaving should be done into at least six (6) lines at any time and ribbons, hair slides are not allowed.
    Attachments and wigs CANNOT be worn to school. indecent haircuts will not be allowed. Weaving or plaiting of hairs by boys is prohibited at Mayors Heights College.

    Club include:- Boy scouts, Girl Guides; Literary and Debating Club; Cultural Group; charity club; French and Jet Club.
    There is a high level of sporting activities including swimming, basketball, football, table tennis, and lawn tennis.

    School hours are 7:45a.m – 2.00p.m from Mondays to Friday during normal school term. Afternoon prep is between 2:30p.m and 4:p.m. Attendance is compulsory except otherwise authorised

    A standard sickbay with a qualified nurse is on site for first aid and treatment of minor ailment. The school is registered with a nearby clinic which is able to handle more serious emergencies.
    On admission, all students are to submit a full medical report stating any special ailment. The cost of any emergency medical treatment given while in school will be debited to the parents’ account.
    Parents are however advised not to bring their children to school when they are sick.

    Parent will enjoy access to adequate information about the school through regular newsletters & circulars when necessary.
    A day will be set aside as “OPEN DAY” when parent will be opportuned to see the progress of their children. The school office is however open daily from 8:00a.m to 4:00p.m to attend to all enquiries.

    The programme of the school has the interest of the child at the center. Hence the relationship between the teachers and pupils permits freedom of expression leading to attainment of good personality and based on individual respect and recognition of personal dignity.
    Afternoon meals are served to pupils. There is a well-stocked tuck shop for convenient purchases at reasonable prices.

    Please keep hands off the walls. Except where the School has permitted educational designs on the walls, graffitti is strictly prohibited.

    School will supply only exercise books as soon as full payment is made.
    School bags and other stationery should be adequately supplied by parents.

    An effective transport system is available at a moderate charge. Payment must be made before the service. It is optional, so interested parents should contact the college office for necessary arrangement.

    Admission into the school is open to girls and boys of ages between 10 & 12 years (Nigerian & foreign National) and is strictly by entrance examination and a subsequent interview based on performance.
    Application forms are available in the school office between 8:00a.m and 3.00p.m on Monday to Fridays. Transfer from other schools into Jss 2 & 3 and SS1, 2 & 3 is allowed, based on available space(s) and performance in the school’s transfers examination. Admission forms are on sale for transfer candidates too.

    The school programme start at 7.45am prompt with the school assembly/devotion. This is a very vital part of the school programme.
    This is when students receives instructions from the Lord every morning and commit their day into HIS hands.

    Parent are requested to ensure that children get to school before 7.45am. The Lagos traffic situations should be taken into consideration in getting ready for school. The school frowns at lateness to school and will not tolerate it. Lateness will attract sanctions.

    Absenteeism for flimsy reasons should be avoided. Parent should PLEASE get in touch with the school if a student has to be unavoidably absent. This will enable us keep track of the welfare of students. All students must return on the resumption day unless permission has been given by the principal. Unauthorised absence will attract sanctions.

    Closing time is 4.00p.m. Parents are to ensure that their wards are picked up LATEST by 4.30p.m. Duty teachers will leave the school at 4.30p.m after which we will not bear responsibility for their children.

    Student must not wander around the school or loiter during lesson times.

    Student must not leave the school premises before the closing time which is 4.00p.m. Anyone who has a reason to leave the school before closing time must come with a written note and obtain a written exeat permit from the school. Unauthorised exits will result in necessary disciplinary action being taken by the school.

    Uniforms will be given to student on resumption. Students are expected to keep their uniforms clean and neat at all times.
    It is compulsory for all students to wear their uniforms at all times during School hours except otherwise recommended/permitted by the School.
    At no time should students wear mufti during School hours except otherwise recommended/permitted by the school.
    When in school uniform within or outside the School premises, Students are expected to put on their best and acceptable behaviour bearing in mind they represent the School and therefore should uphold the good image of the School.

    Student are to wear a pair of black shoes and socks at all times. Sports wear should be brought to school on Wednesday, which is sports day.

    Girls must wear small studs (no dropping earrings) at all times. (one pair only). Chains and bangles / bracelet cannot be worn to school. Wearing of earrings by boys is prohibited at Mayors Heights College.

    Students of all ages and classes CANNOT wear make-up of any type to school.

    This is an important and integral part of the leaning process and we at Mayors Heights College take it seriously. A homework policy will be circulated to students and parents on resumption. Parents should find out from students if they are given any homework and whether they have done it.

    Lunch will be served to students and good filtered water will also be available in the school.
    Students may however come to school with their snacks and water/drinks for the short break if they wish. There is a well-stocked Tuck Shop in the school where students can buy snacks/drinks during break at reasonable prices.
    Cooked food must not be brought into the school please.

    Students are not allowed to buy cooked food in or around the school. To ensure this, student must not carry cash unless moderate amounts as required for transport, tuck shop or any purpose specified by the school. Students’ bag and pockets will be checked occasionally to enforce this.

    Students are not allowed to bring in Video/Audio Tapes, walkmans, computer games/comics and mobile phone into the school

    Do not drop pieces of paper or any litter on the floor. Use dustbins. Keep Mayors Heights College clean especially the toilets!

    Students will NOT be allowed to received visitors in the school. If however a parent for an urgent reason wants to see a child, he/she musts first seek the permission of the principal.

    Students are expected to be of good behaviour in and around the school premises and at all times.

    Fighting will NOT be tolerated in the school. Any act of wrong doing should be reported to the teacher in the class, the class teacher or the teacher on duty. Reports of any fights will be looked into by the School and necessary actions will be taken.

    All students must respect both teaching and non-teaching staff.
    All students are also expected to respected each other. There should be no bullying of fellow students. Report of bulling will be investigated and if true may result in necessary actions being taken by the school.

    Cursing, vulgar words, abusive words or any from of bad language must not be used in the school.

    Immoral behaviour of any type will not be allowed in the school.
    In case of gross misconduct, the authority reserves the right to suspend or expel a student without refund of balance of fees paid.

    Stealing, cheating and any form of examination malpractices will NOT BE TOLERATED at Mayors Height college. In these circumstances if deemed necessary, the School authority reserve the right to suspend or expel a student without refund of balance of fees.

    Students are expected to handle school property with care. Willful damage of furniture and other school property will not be tolerated.
    Students should not transfer or move any item out of the laboratories or any of the functional rooms. Waste will not be tolerated.

    We recognize birthdays and pray for staff and students on their birthday. However we do not allow elaborate celebrations such as bringing of cooked food to school. A moderately decorated birthday cake, snacks, biscuits and drinks (preferably in plastic sealed bottles) will be allowed. Please do not bring chewing gum or its equivalents or wine or any sort of alcoholic drink as this school will not allow this. All snacks etc for birthdays should be brought to the school office by 11.00am for vetting and onward transmission to the pupil’s teacher.

    We are here to give your child a comprehensive academic experience that will last a lifetime.

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